UIPF Documentation

Welcome to the UIPF documentation page. UIPF is super easy to use whether you want to drop the included foliage and functionality into your level as is, or add interaction to any of your own foliage and shaders and all the info you need to work with it can be found right here! If you can’t find what you’re looking for on this page, shoot me an email or get in touch via twitter and I’ll be sure to help you out!

UIPF includes a number of foliage assets pre-configured and ready to go out of the box, but the plugin has been designed to easily work with and add to any existing assets. More info about that is in the below sections, but here’s the short version:

  1. You can add shader based interaction to any of your own assets but simple connecting the relevant material function (ie, MF_Flatten) to your existing shaders

  2. You can configure any mesh to use True Physics simulation by rigging a skeletal mesh version and preparing a physics asset, and UIPF does all the rest.

If you have any questions, concerns, or feature reqeusts please get in touch, I love to help! I hope you enjoy working with UIPF and I can’t wait to see how you use it in your games and projects!

UIPF 1.6 Release Notes (14/10/20)

  • Bug fixes and improvements.

  • Added options to the UIPFInteractor for calculating movement velocity per component, or specifiying interaction strength without velocity at all.

    • You can now tick bPerCompVelocity on an interactor and it will track it’s own velocity. This is needed if you want it to update based on a skeletal mesh animation instead of just using the actor location and velocity etc.

    • You can now tick bForceFixedInteractionStrength on an interactor component to manually specify a FixedStrength for an interactor, which skips the velocity scaling of the interaction amount

UIPF 1.4 Release Notes (28/05/20)

  • Bug fixes and improvements.

  • Fixed a crash during server travel caused by a dangling pointer (Cheers Gabriel! :) )

  • UE4.25 Support

UIPF 1.3 Release Notes

  • Added max interaction distance culling values to the UIPFManager (with optional overrides per interactor). When an interactor is further away than this value, it stops writing to the shader interaction render target. In scenarios with many interactors, this can offer sizeable performance gains.

UIPF 1.2 Release Notes

  • Minor (transparent) refactor to optimize performance. Eradicates garbage collection hitches and stops your memory being filled with junk leftover objects.